荷兰莱顿大学James W. McAllister教授报告题目是:The Veracity of Empirical Data: A Causal Account of Observational Error.
美国诺特丹大学Anjan Chakravartty教授报告题目是:Cases as Bases for the Epistemology of Science.
华中科技大学万小龙教授报告题目是:The Equivalence And Transformation between Non-Truth-Function And Truth- Function- The Fifth Research on Unary Operator Theory.
中国科学院研究生院徐竹报告题目是:Mechanism and Productive Event.
伦敦经济学院Roman Frigg教授报告题目是:Laplace's Demon and the Adventures of His Apprentice.
英国约克大学Mary Leng副教授报告题目是:Models, Structures, and the Explanatory Role of Mathematics in Empirical Science.
山西大学刘杰副教授报告题目是:A Contextualist Interpretation of Mathematics.