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SEMS 2012 代表风采(第四节)


芬兰赫尔辛基大学Ilkka Niiniluoto教授报告题目是:Explanation by Idealized Theories.

美国诺特丹大学Janet A. Kourany教授报告题目是:The New Ignorance.

韩国庆熙大学Sungho Choi教授报告题目是:Dispositions, Twin Earth, and Relativity of Scientific Theories.

华南理工大学吴国林教授报告题目是:On the reality of wave-function.

山西大学赵斌博士报告题目是:Contextualism and Biological Explanation.

澳大利亚悉尼大学Paul E. Griffiths教授报告题目是: What Kind of Progress Occurred When Genes Went Molecular?

加拿大西安大略大学Kathleen Okruhlik教授报告题目是:“Bridled Irrationality”: Historical Antecedents of Bas van Fraassen’s Epistemic Voluntarism.

台湾国立阳明大学Kaiyuan Cheng教授报告题目是:Rule-Following and Sociology of Scientific Knowledge.

香港岭南大学Kelly Trogdon教授报告题目是:Grounding Content.

复旦大学徐英瑾副教授报告题目是:The frame problem, the relevance problem, and a package solution to both.
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