叶峰,男,北京大学哲学系教授,主要研究领域为数学哲学, 逻辑, 心灵与认知科学哲学, 语言哲学。1979.9—1983.7:厦门大学数学系,本科生,1983.9—1986.7:中科院数学研究所, 研究生,1986.9—1994.7:北京大学哲学系,助教、讲师,1994.9—1999.7:美国普林斯顿大学哲学系,研究生(2000.1获博士学位),1999.8—2004.9:一软件公司(美国),软件工程师、高级系统设计师,2004.9—present:北京大学哲学系,副教授
[1] Strict Constructivism and the Philosophy of Mathematics, PhD dissertation, Princeton University, 2000.
[2] ‘Toward a constructive theory of unbounded linear operators on Hilbert spaces’, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 65(2000), no. 1.
[3] ‘What Anti-realism in Philosophy of Mathematics Must Offer’, to appear
[4] ‘Naturalism and Abstract Entities’, to appear
[5] ‘A Structural Theory of Content Naturalization’, to appear
[6] ‘On Some Puzzles about Concepts’, to appear
[7] ‘Truth and Serving the Biological Purpose’, to appear
[8] ‘On What Really Exist in Mathematics’, to appear
[9] ‘Naturalism and Objectivity in Mathematics’, to appear
[10] ‘Naturalism and the Apriority of Logic and Arithmetic’, to appear.
[11] ‘The Applicability of Mathematics as a Scientific and a Logical Problem’, to appear (presented at the 13th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Beijing, 2007)
[12] Strict Finitism and the Logic of Mathematical Applications, draft, will be updated
[13] Introduction to a Naturalistic Philosophy of Mathematics. (1)数学真理是什么?《科学文化评论》2005年第4期:17-45